Sunday, August 14, 2011

Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, appeared on five Sunday news shows the cost of victory in the Iowa GOP straw poll is repeated as "fighters" and supporters of small government and the principles of Washington's anti-tax.

Your self-image is the fact that there is little experience in 4-1/2 years as a member of the House of Representatives U.S. address. Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who left the presidential election, the Republican Party on Sunday, as suggested, adding a poll, experience as Chief Executive - the part of prospective accounts, Rick Perry, Texas governor, and Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, both are still very much in the hunt.

Bachmann Congress gave its position on the "cutting edge" in the war against the Conservatives raised the national debt, health care reform law, and Obama's legislation to regulate the banking sector since 2008 financial crisis. Despite all the lost battles for their tea party and its allies, said Bachmann's determination to "massacre" and follow the principles, that their right to be president - has never served as governor.

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"Ronald Reagan was governor. But what Ronald Reagan was not the main executive experience as governor. That's the basic principles of" Bachmann told ABC News "This Week." "Jimmy Carter governor. But I do not think people would say that America has prosper and grow under the presidency of Jimmy Carter. ... This really is one, which one and what is its nature? "

Bachmann also said that the immediate changes in existing federal programs such as the right to social security and Medicare to reduce public expenditure. In Washington, debate over this summer to increase the public debt limit, he believes that Congress should not do.